Want Massive Success? Avoid These 2 Traps

Cait Mack
2 min readSep 23, 2022

Fix Your Sh*t: Volume 96

Victor Furtuna

Success is as much about avoidance as it is about action.

So, let’s learn what to avoid.

Everyone wants to be successful.

Our versions of success all look different, but the desire is universal.

And we have two main mindset issues that create barriers to success.

The “are we there yet?” dilemma

We want things to come quick & easy and it’s not always possible.

In fact, more often than not, it’s not going to be quick nor easy.

Anything worth building, takes time.

All the hacks in the world, while they may speed things up, won’t remove the time barrier.

Every role model you have, has worked their ass off for years.

The time is passing either way, may as well get to work.

The “I suck” syndrome

Not to be confused with imposter syndrome, which is similar and also insidious.

But “I suck” is where we compare ourselves to people who have been doing something for years.



Cait Mack

I simplify everything so you can focus on crushing life FREE resources: caitmackcs.gumroad.com