Using AI for Cold Email, Oof

Cait Mack
1 min readOct 24, 2024

It doesn’t do what you think it does.

There’s technology out there that can rapidly scrape LinkedIn profiles. Then it churns out thousands of ‘personalized’ cold emails in a flash.

It plucks details like your latest podcast appearance and slaps them into the opening lines of an email, like this:

“‘I caught your interview on finding product-market fit on the Depth podcast. Your idea of aligning founding psychology with the business for greater success really resonated with me.’”

But here’s the problem: It’s all a facade.

You haven’t listened to the podcast. You’re just trying to appear engaged, without actually being interested. And who talks like that? The language feels stiff and forced, like it was generated by a machine (ahem, it was).

When you scale personalization like this, you lose the human touch.

And ultimately the potential sale.

Make your emails better:

  • Simplify language: Be more concise and easier to understand.
  • Emphasize the problem: Enough pats on the back, focus on why they need you.
  • Consistent voice: Decide what your voice “sounds” like, use it.
  • Open-ended questions: Leave them with “worth a chat?”, “make sense to do a quick call?” etc.

By making these changes, your email sounds like a human.

And humans like working with humans. For now anyway.



Cait Mack
Cait Mack

Written by Cait Mack

I simplify everything so you can focus on crushing life FREE resources:

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