The Art of Doing Hard Things

Cait Mack
2 min readMar 2, 2022

The whys and hows of building a better you.

Prateek Katyal

Why Hard Things Matter

Doing easy things is soothing and it helps create flow. So, I’m not here to bash easy.

Most of my days are spent in “easy” mode, quite honestly.

So, I’m just here to tell you why hard things matter.

Hard things build you into who you’re supposed to become.

The best version of you can’t be built by doing only easy things.

Parenting is hard. Giving up on your kids is harder.

Writing is hard. Not doing what we love is harder.

The war in Ukraine is hard. Not being free is harder.

How to Get Through Hard Things

The 5 Second Rule from Mel Robbins.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 go. Your alarm goes off, up and outta bed.

You think of working out…shoes on and go!

You get the idea.

Break big things into small things.

Big things look overwhelming.



Cait Mack

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