How To Reduce Your Big 3 Expenses

Cait Mack
4 min readOct 19, 2021

Housing, transportation and food are making us poor.

Artem Beliaikin

Living well in America is expensive.

The average rent, overall, is 1,200/month. But I know most people pay significantly more. The average mortgage is 1,275. Average food cost for a family of 4 is 1,000/month. Owning a car (car payments, insurance, gas, maintenance, etc.) is about 700/month.

The average salary is 5,100 per month (gross). Though obviously many live on a lot less. You can see how these Big 3 eat up most of your take home pay.

Here are some ways to reduce the Big 3 expenses.

Big Expense #1: Housing

Live with your parents or your family for as long as you can.

I lived with my parents until I was 27, then again from 32–34. This alone has helped me save anywhere from 40–60% of my yearly salary. It was the catalyst to me growing my wealth.

Refinance your mortgage to find better rates

You can save hundreds of dollars a year on interest and pay your debt off faster.

Get a roommate

When I did move out of my parents house the first time around, I had 2 roommates split a 3 bedroom…



Cait Mack
Cait Mack

Written by Cait Mack

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