Are You Using Typeshare Yet?

Cait Mack
2 min readMar 21, 2023

I’m your new Customer Care Leader.

Hot off the presses

Yours truly has accepted a position at Typeshare.

What is Typeshare?

From Founder, Sam Shore:

“Everything you need to start writing online. Templates so you never stare at a blank page again. One-click publishing to millions of readers. Analytics to track performance.”

Who uses it

Typeshare is used by some of the biggest names in the online writing game. Specifically Dickie Bush, Nicolas Cole & Justin Welsh. It’s also the base for the wildly popular cohort, Ship 30 for 30.

Why this matters

I’ll get to speak with digital writers (you?) directly every single day. That’s freaking awesome.

Dissect your problems, work around pain points (or through them) and engage with the cleverest minds. Sign. Me. Up.

The position works because one, it’s flexible and I can work it around my 9–5. Typeshare understands the economy and the hustle.

Two, it’s part of a small team within a growing startup. This means everyone has an impact. Which sometimes gets lost on large teams.



Cait Mack

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