3 Quotes from Gary Vee to Inspire Your Own Greatness

Cait Mack
2 min readFeb 5, 2022

And how to apply them.

Luigi Estuye, LUCREATIVE®

You may have heard of Gary Vaynerchuk (aka Gary Vee). If you haven’t, well, I don’t know what cave you’ve been living in but I hope it’s nice.

Gary is an author, speaker and all around great internet personality. He’s also the CEO of VaynerMedia.

He’s relentlessly optimistic and blunt. So let’s get to it.

“We only get to play this game one time. We have one life.”

You see this quote and you have to wonder why you would ever waste a single day? Do things you love. Be happy. Be kind.

The days may feel slow sometimes, but man, the years pass very quickly.

Just think about how long it’s been already since you graduated high school. Wtf??

Stop wasting your time. Engage with your life and get dialed in. 10/10 recommend.

“When it comes down to it, nothing trumps execution.”

I was watching Man in the Arena, which is a series that follows Tom Brady’s 10 Super Bowl runs. In it he talks about the disappointing losses to the Giants in 07 & 11 Super Bowls.



Cait Mack

I simplify everything so you can focus on crushing life FREE resources: caitmackcs.gumroad.com