3 Questions You Must Answer if You Want Anyone to Buy From You

Cait Mack
2 min readJun 9, 2022

Learn how to answer these and watch your sales take off.

Jason Goodman

Whenever you’re trying to sell something (even if it’s free), you need to answer three specific questions.

Every client (or reader) has these questions, or some variation of them, below.

Question 1: Why should I care?

What’s the main threat or concern that should be capturing their attention?

People need a reason to care about what you’re pushing. It helps to get to the point quickly.

The attention span of humans is now shorter than a goldfish’s. Hook them quick.

Best way to hook quick? Something scary. A pain point. A threat. We’re wired to focus on this instantly.

Question 2: What’s in it for me?

They need a reward that’s greater than the cost paid.

So basically, a substantially better product or service over what they already have.

There’s a scene in Something About Mary where a hitchhiker shares his grand business plan. 7 Minute Abs instead of 8 Minute Abs. Because who wouldn’t want abs a minute quicker each day? After all that’s 2.5 hours per year saved working your abs. What would that be worth??

Very little. You’re not going to switch for 1 minute.

Your product or service needs to be twice as good as what they currently have.

Question 3: Why you?

How can they trust you’re the person to get it done?

Do you have skin in the game?

Social proof helps here. This is why a lot of new companies have family and friends try for free. So there are people who can share reviews.

Don’t have social proof? Then you need to find a way to convey your willingness to hustle for them. Offer guarantees. “You’ll get ___ and if you don’t, you get your money back” works wonders.

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Cait Mack

I simplify everything so you can focus on crushing life FREE resources: caitmackcs.gumroad.com